White House Opposes Bill Requiring Proof of Citizenship for Voting

(ConservativeSense.com) – As Republicans propose legislation to assure voters have proper identification to cast their ballots, Democratic lawmakers and the Biden administration continue to oppose such measures by accusing the GOP of trying to make it “harder for eligible Americans” to participate in elections.

The Biden administration statement came as House Republicans were set to introduce a piece of legislation called the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which will require every voter to provide proof of citizenship in the form of a state ID, passport, or driver’s license, to cast a ballot in an election.

On Wednesday, July 10, a handful of Democrats joined with House Republicans to approve the SAVE ACT in a vote of 221-198. Five Democrats crossed the aisle to support the legislation, which will now move to the Democrat-dominated Senate where it is likely to fall flat and the president has vowed to veto the bill.

The Biden administration statement noted how it’s already against the law for illegal aliens or noncitizens to participate in federal elections and said that states already have safeguards in place to verify the eligibility of voters. The statement claims the SAVE ACT won’t do anything “to safeguard” elections and only “make it much harder” for Americans who are eligible to participate in elections while increasing the risk “that eligible voters” could be “purged from voter rolls.”

Despite criticism from the president and his supporters, other prominent figures are behind the SAVE Act, such as Elon Musk, who described those who oppose such legislation as “traitors.” Musk then asked, “What is the penalty for traitors again?”

The ongoing debate over the legislation represents a divide between the two parties about how to protect election integrity at the same time as voter access. Republicans have often criticized Democrats for being light on voter verification and ID requirements, arguing that they use such loopholes to pad their voter numbers in important districts.

The 2020 presidential election raised so many questions and doubts, that concern over election integrity is higher than ever as more Americans are skeptical about the entire system.

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