Venezuelan Shooting Suspect Describes Arms Smuggling Scheme

( – An illegal immigrant told investigators that shooting cops is part of his culture and that guns are smuggled into migrant shelters in major cities. Bernardo Raul Castro-Mata, arrested in June for shooting at police in New York City, said a gang recruited him to commit crimes in America and supply guns in migrant accommodations. The 19-year-old Venezuelan explained that firearm smugglers disguise the guns in food package deliveries so they can sidestep metal detectors.

Castro-Mata also told officers that in his country, it is customary to shoot at police. “Venezuelan police officers get shot often in my home country,” he said.

The illegal alien was riding a moped on the wrong side of the road in Queens, New York, when police attempted to pull him over. He quickly jumped from the bike and fled on foot, pursued by NYPD. He opened fire on the two police officers as they chased him. Bullets struck both officers, but neither was seriously injured.

Crime is among voters’ leading concerns as they cast their vote this year, but some experts are warning that the public does not have an accurate picture of the problem, particularly the level of crime committed by illegal immigrants.

The FBI usually collates national crime statistics based on reports from local law enforcement agencies. However, in 2021, the method by which police report crime figures changed, and according to some studies, more than 6,000 law enforcement agencies were excluded from last year’s count. One analysis stated that “a quarter of the US population wasn’t represented in the federal crime data last year.”

Nevertheless, President Biden claims that crime is down nationwide, a claim that former US Attorney Jay Town said is based on “bad data.” He called the assertion “deception in politics” and insisted that Biden has overseen some of American history’s most extensive crime rises.

Mr. Town said that large cities, including New York and Los Angeles, do not provide correct crime figures, allowing politicians to exploit false statistics.

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